This page is for odds and ends, like the title says
Here's a pic of the "little Bandit" I am creating. I have never had the patience for a model, but I am going to try now
The engine Bay detail
The undercarriage
My new collection, you can see the model's done underneath there.
Here's some of my other toys. There both Team Associated R/C's, 1/10th scale The one on the left is a carpet racer, RC10L3T, it is capable of 60mph+ speeds and is electric powered. The one on the right is a RC10GT. It is Nitro methane powered. It has a .15CI engine that has approx 1.15HP, it is a dirt racer as you can tell by all the dirt on it. Imagine the power of a 455 if you could the the HP/CI ratio? I haven't had much time for them this year because of my Trans Am, but I will get to play with them soon. And, yes, I do the paint myself.
This one is a GS storm SUT I am going to sell it soon, getting to many toy's
This is my new one, a HPI Savage I have modified it alot. I make Carbon Fiber chassis plates for these, as well as machined aluminum pieces to mount the tank up front( it was at the back beside the motor in stock form) as well as make a engine mounting plate
This is a pic of the 1/8th scale OFNA buggy I used to have. I sold it to buy the SUT. Should have kept the body though. Took me along time to do that one. By far my most complicated piece
My little CNC milling machine downstairs in my basement.
I also have a '82 XR500R Honda dirt bike I have rebuilt, I recently had it stolen around Xmas, 2003, but I got it returned. It seems the thieves couldn't start it because the kickstart shaft had snapped after I installed a Wiseco 10.1:1 Forged Piston, all new, swirl polished valves, completely ported and polished head. I was plagued with a week spark when I tried to get her to fire, so when I got the spark figured out, the kickstart shaft broke. I have since repaired the kick start and have had it out a couple of times, it runs great. The only crappy thing is on the 3rd day out, I had a stupid little spill and now have a broken collarbone. It has been 5 wks now and I am almost ready to get back on, don't want to take any chances yet tho.
This is a pic of just after I got home from the Cop shop with it.
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