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Here is a link to a vid of my TA on the highway. It's 8.7megs in size. Just stuck my camera on the dash while was doing 60MPH when I went to pass a car. Nothing special, but you can hear the engine sing nicely
Here is my TA. She is a little rough right now, but she will only get better. It was purchased by me in the fall of 2001 for a paltry sum of $500. There is no real body rust and only one fender has some minor dings. After a complete cleaning, some new vacuum lines, and a Holley Street Annihilator 670 cfm carb, she was running nicely. After a more thorough inspection by my body man, I have noticed more rust. It has gotten into the door bottoms, once it gets there, you can never get it out. looks like I am looking for some new doors .
Here she is taken in July of 2005. I did allot of work this spring. I had a little run it with a retaining wall last fall, due to a certain tire shop only putting 6PSI in the right rear tire when I had a set of tires put on. I wrecked the front, but didn't figure out the air pressure thing till the spring when I got her all back together. I replaced the sub frame with one from a 74 Camaro. I soon found out after it was all painted, that in 75, GM changed the rear body mount location on the tub. It's 3 1/8" forward. This entailed cutting a section out and having the sub welded back together. Which I did no problem. On to the rest of the newness. I changed the nose to 77, as you can see, completely rebuilt the front suspension with new rubber bushing's and Koni shock's. I also cut 1 full coil out of the front spring's. This proved to be to much as I was pretty much on the bump stop's. I have since put spacers in the coil's till I decide what # rate spring's I want. I also got new rim's. Along with those rims came new BF Goodrich G-Force Sport tires and a aggressive front end alignment. The added negative camber makes her a little darty in rutted asphalt, but when your cornering, you feel the front really grip when the body leans into the turn. There was also some more engine upgrades, but I'll leave that for the 455 build up page
Here is the tired 'ol 301T. It has a bad knock when I took her out of the TA. I was showing off to some buddies and the upper rad hose blew apart completely @ approx 4000 rpm. (the car had a knack for running hot as it was) I shut the engine off as soon as I seen antifreeze coming over the hood and coasted to the driveway, was only 1/2mi away. When we got to the drive, I tried to start her to get her up the drive but she just grunted. I believe that I had so much heat into the motor that it had temporarily seized!! Once she cooled, I could start her, but she was rattling something fierce.
Mods that I had done to her before she went included; A K&N filter on a drop base, Opened up cowl opening, Removed stock exhaust in favor of dual 2 3/4" Flowmasters, Holley 670 Street Annihilator carb, Accel coil and wires. I blended the intake and smoothed the passages as best I could without porting them. An electric fan, disconnected A/C belt, Smog pump plumbing disconnected, just still in place for a belt idler, and removed the EGR valve and blocked the ports. All these woke the 301T up considerably. I did however have a pinging problem @ max boost(7psi) that I was told was due to the EGR valve being disconnected. I personally believe that it was because of all the carbon buildup in the cyls from the abuse the previous owners put it through.
This is the replacement. It is a .030 over 1972 455. The heads are #64 castings. It has been line honed, decked true, and the rotating assy has been spun balanced. I am planning on port matching the heads and cleaning up the ports a little but will be doing nothing in the way of real porting. I want to keep the torque as high as possible and as low down on the rpm scale as I reasonably can. Details can be found on the 455 buildup page.
Here is the half finished pic of my door sculpted door panel's. More details on the Door Panel how to page
The happiest day of my life. Zoe Cynthia Pesonen, Born Oct 29 2004 Gawd I hope she doesn't get my nose LOL
That is about all I have for now. I will be posting more stuff as I get time.
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